Finally... Email Newsletters Made Easy!
myCampaignManager is a template-based email newsletter content management system, capable of publishing email campaigns through virtually any mailing list manager. It is written in PHP, using a mySQL backend, and is OPEN SOURCE and 100% FREE!!!

Authors of email newsletters usually don't know very much about HTML. As a result, most email newsletters are written and published in plain-text format. Enter myCampaignManager. This system allows email newsletter authors to create multiple newsletter campaigns, add articles and images, preview, and publish the email newsletter - all using a easy to understand interface.

myCampaignManager works with virtually any mailing list manager. When publishing an email campaign, the software simply sends a single email addressed from you, directly to the address you usually send your email campaigns to.

myCampaignManager does not require the user to know any HTML. If you sign in to the system and look at the formatting on this particiular demo article, you will notice that it is plain text with double line breaks in between paragraphs. That's it!

Finally, email newsletters made easy! That's the power of myCampaignManager.

Getting myCampaignManager
If you are a web administrator and would like to download and install the myCampaignManager software on your website, visit the following website for more information:

For a live demo of the software, visit:

Installing myCampaignManager
myCampaignManager requires PHP 4.3.0 or newer, a web server, and a MySQL database server.

Web Server Configuration
Included in the distribution is an htaccess file (.htaccess) that help correctly set the PHP include path and file upload limits. You will need to ensure that your web server will allow options to be set in htaccess files.

Database Setup
You may install the database schema in an existing database, or within a new database. The schema for MySQL is included in the distribution (/doc/database.mysql). To utilize this file, run the following command:
mysql -u root -p yourdatabasename < docs/database.mysql

A simple installation script is included to help you complete the configuration of the software. You can access it via the web by pointing your web browser to http://your_server/path/to/myCampaignManager/install.php. Before executing this script, you will want to ensure that the following directory permissions are set:
- chmod 777 images/cm_thumbnails
- chmod 777 .htaccess

After successfully installing, be sure to remove the installation script (install.php) and change the file permissions on the htaccess file back to something more reasonable:
- chmod 644 .htaccess

If you have any other problems, post a support request on the myCampaignManager SourceForge project page and someone will help you as soon as possible.

Copyright � 2005 Steven L. Brendtro
Email: admin at imaginerc dot com